Monday, July 17, 2023

Civil War

Hello, readers! I'd like to share a 4LC comic strip I created. It features a common joke about the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as I enjoy both American history and humor. In the comic, I poke fun at my characters for lacking brightness and binge-watching media that isn't historically accurate or documentary-style.

When it comes to the Civil war in the MCU, I was on Team Iron Man. However, my favorite hero in that movie is War Machine because I thought he was cool in the comics.  A team consisting of Iron Man, War Machine, and Spider-Man is simply awesome!

Monday, July 3, 2023

The Dark knight

Here is a comic striped I created. I love comics and chess. I'm not a huge Batman fan but I've read a few of his stories, such as "No Man's Land" and "The Long Halloween." As for chess, I'm decent at playing and was even part of the chess club in middle school. My favorite piece to use in chess is the knight. I also prefer going second, so I choose to play with the darker color in a chess set. Since Batman is known as the Dark Knight, instead of saying "I'm Batman," I say, "I am the Dark Kight."