Friday, February 7, 2025

TGC Issue 1 Page 1

 Page 1, Panel 1- Hello! I'm "My" and I am a tagger, but I like to call myself a writer.

Taggers are known as "Writers" because they write their name on walls and other things.

Panel 2- I remember how I became a writer.

It began when I was in community college.

Panel 3- I was in art class when I met Jae

She sat next to me.

Panel 4- One day I saw her drawing in her sketchbook.

End of page 1

Here is today's comic it is from my digital comic I am working on title TGC. TGC means The Graffiti Comic. I'm going post a page from this comic every Friday. So, it is going to be a webcomic for now on this blog. I hope you enjoy reading today's page. 

P.S. If there any American English Grammar mistake you can let me know because my editor only works when I finish with Issue 1 completely and not when I post as a webcomic.


Friday, January 31, 2025



Hello Readers! Today's post is about trains and a certain type of lettering associated with them. They go back since 1970s. The subway is a history to this form of art, but this a freight train. This train is in the train yard and looks need a certain type of paint job to look cool. Also, the there is a word on the billboard. I had fun drawing this page for my graphic novel title TGC. Plus, I drew another train for different but the focal point on that one is different. I might post the other train page next week. Hope you enjoy today's blog post.

Friday, January 24, 2025

A Political Joke

Hello readers! Today comic strip is about Politics. I really liked talking about politics. But here is a political joke made by me. Aren't you glad the election is done? But I do hope you laugh at this joke. 
I am still working my graphic novel so I will do a post next Friday or try post if I don't forget but got to finish a page and ink the next set of pages. But enjoy today's comic strip.

Friday, January 17, 2025


Hello, readers! Today's post is about a page I created for my graphic novel, "TGC."
This particular page consists of four panels, all centered around a character named Jae. Let me introduce you to her! Her full name is Jaded Vasquez, but she goes by Jae. She is an artist specializing in lettering art.

Do you wonder what she might be saying? And who is she talking to? Is it "My" or perhaps another character? As a mentor, Jae could be educating "My" about the art community and culture they belong to. 

Friday, January 10, 2025

TGC- My and Jae

Hello readers! Today's post features a page from my graphic novel, TGC. This page primarily showcases my character, Jae. What do you think they are discussing? Don't worry; I'll do my best not to spoil the story!

I plan to post the pages out of order and won't be sharing all of them. Additionally, I'll be creating webcomic strips in the future, but for now, my focus is on drawing my graphic novel and writing jokes for the webcomic.

You can expect to see a lot of Jae and My together, as Jae is My's mentor. TGC explores a specific type of lettering art and delves into the culture surrounding it. 


Friday, January 3, 2025

TGC page 1

Hello! And Happy New Year to you. Here is the first page of my graphic novel TGC. I'm doing something different from my webcomic 4LC.I love the ink work, and my favorite part of doing comics besides sketching. Meet the main character MY, and his mentor and friend, Jae. Hope you like my work. I will post more comic-related stuff from the graphic novel.