Monday, December 4, 2023

Peak 2023

Hello readers! Today's comic is about Amazon, its employees, and the topic of serial killers in the U.S. I want to share that I used to work for Amazon at one of their Fulfillment Centers, oak4. During my time there, I worked in ICQA, and later cross-trained as a picker. My employment lasted from August 2016 to July 2019.

For those that don't work in Amazon warehouse and are curious, the title of this strip is called Peak. The term Peak Season refers to the busiest time of the year for Amazon, which typically starts on Black Friday and continues through Christmas, sometimes extending into early January.

Additionally, Amazonians refers to the people who work for Amazon. The mention of serial killers in the U.S. is a fact that I researched, but it's also a question I pondered while working there.

I hope my Amazon family is doing well and making rate.